Driveway Cleaning

Our driveway cleaning service utilizes high-pressure washing to remove dirt, grime, and oil stains, leaving your driveway spotless. We also provide moss and weed removal for a complete clean.

Our driveway cleaning service is trusted by numerous satisfied customers who have seen a remarkable improvement in the appearance of their driveways.

  • Effective stain removal

  • Moss and weed removal

  • Thorough cleaning process

Patio Cleaning

Our patio cleaning service restores the beauty of your outdoor space by effectively removing dirt, algae, and other stubborn stains. We ensure a thorough clean without causing any damage to your surfaces.

We pride ourselves on the trust we've earned from our clients, who rely on us to deliver exceptional results for their patio cleaning needs.

  • Gentle on surfaces

  • Stubborn stain removal

  • Professional service

Gutter Clearing 

Did you know that the leading cause of water damage in the UK is clogged gutters and downpipes? Yes, accumulated leaves, moss and dirt often lead to gutter blockages, which stops the rainwater from freely flowing through them. Once that happens, the overflowing water can do a lot of damage to your property, such as:

Structural damage to the foundations

Leaking roof and basement

Dampness and mould growth

Pest infestation

Gutter and landscaping damage

If you notice any of these problems, don't wait too long but get in touch. For a free inspection.

When it comes to exterior building cleaning, our customers trust us to enhance the overall look and appeal of their properties.

  • Mold and mildew removal

  • Gentle cleaning methods

  • Enhanced curb appeal

“Pressure2clean. transformed my driveway and patio, making them look like new again. I highly recommend their services!”

Samantha Smith